2022 Jumper Show Schedule :

Jumper Show Schedule – Saturday May 21st

–  Start time 9.00 AM

$15 a Class or $40 a Division, Office Fee $10.00 (Waived if Pre-Entered)

Coaching is allowed and encouraged!

Pre-entries encouraged- email shipsquartersshows@gmail.com

Or mail 1665 Goldsmith Dr Westminster, MD 21157

POLES   starting promptly at 9.00

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round


  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’- Itty Bitty

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’3- Puddle Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round With Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’6- Beginner Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’9- Low Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

3’ Training Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed round with Jump off
  3. Power and Speed

3’3 Schooling Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump off
  3. Power and Speed

Pre-Enter at


by the Wednesday prior to the Show and save the $10.00 office fee!

 Proof of a negative Coggins is required. Now more than ever we would appreciate your entry by the Wednesday prior to the show. If you need to change classes the day of the show there is no penalty but it really is helpful to have those entries in early. The $10 office fee is waived for early entries.
Looking forward to seeing you all!

Jumper Show Schedule – 2022 Friday Night Specials

Friday Nights under the Lights !!

Fully lit outdoor arena – No time restrictions

June 17th and July 29th

  –  Start time 4.30 Prompt

Complimentary Beverages available on Friday Nights!

Come and decompress after a busy workweek, enjoy the twilight hours with horses friends and some friendly competition!

$15 a Class or $40 a Division

Coaching is allowed and encouraged!

Pre-entries encouraged- email shipsquartersshows@gmail.com

Or mail 1665 Goldsmith Dr Westminster, MD 21157


POLES   starting promptly at 4.30

The Entries will be organized so that competitors for both Poles and X-Rails will be accommodated for both classes.

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round


  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’- Itty Bitty

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’3- Puddle Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round With Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’6- Beginner Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

2’9- Low Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump Off
  3. Power and Speed

3’ Training Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed round with Jump off
  3. Power and Speed

3’3 Schooling Jumpers

  1. Optimum Time
  2. Timed Round with Jump off
  3. Power and Speed


Pre-Enter at


by the Wednesday prior to the Show and save the $10.00 office fee!

 Proof of a negative Coggins is required. Now more than ever we would appreciate your entry by the Wednesday prior to the show. If you need to change classes the day of the show there is no penalty but it really is helpful to have those entries in early. The $10 office fee is waived for early entries.
Complimentary water, soft drinks and some adult beverages at all shows!
Looking forward to seeing you all!